About – Statement Of Faith

Our Beliefs

The Bible

The Bible is inspired of God (1 Cor 2:13), inerrant in the original documents, and final authority in all matters (I Thess 2:13, II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:21).

One God

There is one God (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6, 1 Timothy 2:5), who eternally exists (Deut. 33:27) in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19, Heb. 9:14) who are equal in knowledge, power, and presence.

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ is God (John 1:1; 1:14, 1 Timothy 3:16) and became man (1 Timothy 2:5-6), being born of a virgin (Luke 1:35) and He is completely without sin (Heb 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5, II Cor 5:21). Jesus dies upon the cross for our sins, was buried, rose bodily from the dead three days later after His crucifixion (Luke 24:39, 1 Cor 15:3-4) and ascended back into heaven (Acts 1:9-11, Eph 1:20-23, Heb 4:14-16; 9:24).

Spiritual Death and Spiritual Birth

Every person is born in sin and has a sinful nature, and is spiritually dead (separated from God) (Isaiah 59:2, Rom 3:23; 5:12, Eph 2:1). To enter the kingdom of God, a person must be born again (John 1:13; 3:3; 3:7, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 5:1).


The sacrifice Of Christ on the cross is the only payment for sin, accepted by God (John 19:30, Heb 10:10-14; 10:18). Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:5-9). God is not willing that any person should perish (John 3:16, II Peter 3:9). The sacrifice of Christ has provided sufficient payment for the sins of every person ( I John 2:2, 1 Timothy 4:10). Anyone, who by their Saviour receives eternal life, and becomes a member of God’s everlasting kingdom. (John 1:11-12, Matt 23:37, I John 5:12-13). Those who reject God’s salvation will be condemned to eternal judgement (John 3:36). Once saved a person can never be lost (John 10:27-29).

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit regenerates (gives new life to) the believer at the moment they put their trust in Jesus as their Saviour (Titus 3:5). Believers are indwelt (John 14:16-17, Rom 8:9; 8:11) sealed (Eph 1:13-14; 4:30) and baptized (I cor 12:13) by the Holy Spirit. Believers are to be filled with (yielded to) the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18). Through the Holy Spirit believers are given the power to live a godly life (Gal 5:16; 5:22-23).

Resurrection of the Saved and Lost

The Bible teaches the bodily resurrection of the saved and the lost (Phil 3:21, John 5:28-29, I Cor 15:51-55, Rev 20:12-13) and the everlasting blessedness of the saved (Phil 1:23, Rev 22:4-5) and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost (Matt 25:41-46, Rev 20:4-15).


God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days (Gen 1, Ev 20:9-10)

The Church

The universal church is comprised of every true believer and is known as the body of Christ (Eph 1:22-23) of which Christ is the Head (Col 1:18). The local church is a gathering for the purpose of New Testament practice and gospel outreach.

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

There are two Christian ordinances: Baptism (Matt 28:19)and the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19-20).

Baptism is for believers upon confession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-38). Baptism by immersion signifies that the one being baptized has been crucified with Christ, has been buried with Him and is risen with Him to walk in newness of life (Rom 6:3-6).

The Lord’s Supper was instituted by the Lord Jesus on the night He was betrayed (Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-20), and was commemorated by the early church (I Cor 11:23-26) on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7). We believe that it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer to heed the Lord’s request, “This do in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

Imminent return of Christ

The Bible teaches the personal and imminent return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (I Thess 4:14-18, Titus 2:13, Hab 9:28). The event, known as the “Rapture”, will be followed by 7 years of God’s judgement called the “Tribulation” (Dan 9:27, Matt 24:15-21). After the Tribulation Christ will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (Zech 14:1-9, Acts 1:11, Rev 20:1-6)

Our Vision

To preach the Gospel to old and young freely – our objective is to win “souls for Christ”.

To provide church fellowship for all true believers.

Our Structure

The assembly is guided by elders (Acts 20:17) under God’s authority (Heb 13:17), who are responsible for the care of the assembly in spiritual matters. The Holy Spirit raises up elders (bishops, overseers, shepherds (Acts 20:28)), who are recognized by their qualifications and work (I Tim 3:1-7, Tit 1:6-9, IPeter 5:1-3). The elders are to be esteemed and obeyed (I Thess 5:12-12, Heb 13:17).


Believers who wish to be baptized will be interviewed by the elders as to their confession of personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Based on a clear confession of faith, arrangements will proceed without delay.

Reception into the Assembly

For the purpose of guarding the assembly and maintaining harmony in the church, a person who desires reception into the assembly is expected to read through the statement of Faith and Guiding Principles. An interview will then be arranged with the elders to discuss any differing views. Upon a clear confession of faith, and a promise to maintain the existing harmony in the assembly the person would be announced to the assembly one week in advance of the reception.

Active fellowship in the assembly is recognized by regular attendance at the meetings of the church (Heb 10:25), and by participation in the work and activities of the assembly (Acts 2:42)

Believers are no longer under the protection, guidance and care of Westbank Bible Chapel for the following reasons:

  1. They may move to another district (Rom 16:1, Acts 18:27), and are provided a letter of introduction.
  2. They may withdraw voluntarily.
  3. The local assembly may exclude from fellowship as a matter of discipline for moral sin or doctrinal error (Matt 18:15, Rom 16:17, I Cor 5:7-13, II Cor 2:6-8).
  4. They may be absent for a prolonged period, in which active fellowship has ceased.

The Objective of the Assembly

The purpose of conducting the various meetings of the assembly is to follow the New Testament practices:

  1. To teach the Word of God (II Tim 4:2)
  2. To maintain a testimony of the Lordship of Christ and to the oneness of the Body of Christ.
  3. To commemorate the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19, Acts 20:7).
  4. To encourage Christian growth (Heb 10:25, II Peter 3:18).
  5. To pray collectively (Acts 12:12, I Tim 2:1).
  6. To evangelize, preach the gospel, and support missionary work. (Matt 28:19, Col 4:3, 4:11, Acts 13:2).

Teaching and Preaching of the Word

Elders will be responsible for selecting gifted men to provide Bible teaching and preaching (Eph 4:11)

The Use of Spiritual Gifts

The Bible teaches that each member of the church has been given one or more spiritual gifts (Rom 12:6-8, I Peter 4:10-11). It is our understanding from scripture that some of the gifts (such as apostles, prophets, tongues, the gift of healing, and miracles) ( I Cor 12:4-31) given to the church were foundational and temporary in nature (Heb 2:4, Eph 2:20). Spiritual gifts should be exercised so as to maintain the unity of the assembly. Each member of the body of Christ should seek to know their gift(s) and use them for the edification of the church, and for the Glory of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Distinct Roles in the Church

The men in the assembly are responsible for public prayer and bible teaching (1 Tim 2:8). Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Eph 5:25). Husbands are to honour their wives (1 Peter 3:7). Fathers are to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:5). Men are to take the responsibility for being the spiritual leader of their home. men are to develop spiritual leadership by being good Christian examples in the church and in the community.

Older women are to teach younger women (Tit 2:4). Women’s primary sphere of ministry is in the home, where they care for their children, and are to be keepers of the home (Tit 2:5, Prov 31). Women minister to the Lord through their good works (I Tim 5:9-10, I Peter 3:3-6). Christian wives are to reverence their husbands, and follow his leadership (Eph 5:22; 5:33b). As a symbol of their submission to the headship of Christ (I Cor 11:5-10) women wear head coverings during the meetings of the church. Women do not lead the assembly in public teaching and prayer and are to remain silent in the church (I Tim 2:11-12, I Cor 14:34-35).

Each Christian home should seek to honour the Lord, by pursuing a holy life of dedication to the Lord, the Bible, and the local church. Hospitality is an important ministry for each Christian home to practice (I Peter 1:15-16, Heb 13:1-2, I Pet 4:9). The brothers and sisters in the church fellowship share equally in the opportunities and responsibilities of various ministries including Sunday school work, evangelism, prayer, missions, etc.

The Priesthood of all believers

Every believer is a priest before God and has been given equal opportunity to serve and worship the Lord, as they are directed by the Holy Spirit, and in accordance with their spiritual gift(s). We do not recognize any distinction between Christian sich as Clergy and Laity ( I Peter 2:9).


If a believer in assembly fellowship senses direction by the Holy Spirit to dedicate themselves more fully to the work of the Lord, then the assembly may recognize God’s call to the individual by their activities in ministry and use of their spiritual gift(s). under the guidance of the elders, the church may then agree to commend the worker to God. Commended workers trust the Lord for their support (Acts 13:1-3, 2 Cor 10:17-18).

The Lord’s Supper

Each Sunday the church gathers to participate in the Lord’s Supper. This meeting is a time for believers to remember the Lord Jesus by taking bread and the cup. Bread is a symbol of Jesus’ body that was given (broken) for us. The cup is symbolic of Jesus’ blood that was shed for the remission of our sins and the sealing of the New Testament (Heb 9:14-18.

It is our practice to give time for collective worship where the mean lead in praise and worship by offering a hymn to sing, or sharing a thought from the scriptures to draw hearts to appreciate the lord. Each believer has the honour and privilege to bring their offerings of appreciation and worship before the Lord, (the women doing so in silence (I Cor 14:34, I Tim 2:11).  We believe the Holy Spirit guides us in our remembrance and worship and therefore there is no prior arrangement to organize the course of this meeting.

It is important to understand that this meeting is for believers, those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and are thus born again. It is also important for believers to recognize the solemnity of participating in this meeting. The bible warns of judgement upon those who participate in an unworthy manner  (I Cor 11:27-32). The scriptures ask all believers to examine themselves before they practice in the Lord’s Supper.

Financial Matters

Each Sunday an opportunity is given at the Lord’s Supper for each believer in the fellowship to give to the Lord, according as the Lord has prospered (I Cor 16:1-2). This is an expression of worship to the Lord. The collection offerings are handled by the deacons of the assembly under the leadership of the elders. The money is used to support the Lord’s servants at home and abroad, and to maintain the practical expenses of the assembly and its ministries. Financial statements are regularly made available to all who belong to the local fellowship. A financial review is conducted once a year for the entire assembly.