Do you find yourself at a point in life when you have nothing but God? Then you’re right where He wants you.
Seed Thoughts 46
Fireside Friday: On His Majesty’s Service
Here's a great illustration of Laura Soole's poem: "Disappointment--His appointment, Change one letter, then I see That the thwarting of my purpose Is God's better choice for me."
How Are You Doing With God? Episode 2
Monday Meditation: Right on Schedule
Have you ever seen those floral clocks? This tourist thought he'd try to fix one. Lesson: God's timing is always perfect. Be encouraged, Christian...the Lord is on schedule. And He's coming soon.
Seed Thoughts 45
Fireside Friday: The Day I Met An Extraterrestrial
The devil rarely tells blatant lies. Like the one in Eden, it was partly true. It's just that he wants you to believe the wrong part.
How Are You Doing with God? Episode 1
Seed Thoughts 44
Monday Meditation: Your 20:25 Goal
Monday Meditation: Your 20:25 Goal (3 mins) — How is this statue a good analogy of what the Christian's goal for 2025 should be? May we not only "see the Lord" but allow the Lord to be seen in us this year.