Many Christians, in spite of confessing their sins to the Lord, feel constantly condemned. But, says John, even "if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart” (1 Jn 3:20). In fact, adds Paul, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in...
Seed Thoughts 20
Fireside Friday: Too Clever For Your Own Good
The world wants you to be sophisticated; God wants you to keep it simple. This story explains what He means.
TUESDAY VIDEO: Special Announcement…
TUESDAY VIDEO: We normally post a Tabernacle video on Tuesdays. But today, we want to share the news with those who haven't heard: We have a newly updated website! With over 6000 resources including articles, charts, maps, podcast episodes and videos, there is lots...
Mini-Message Monday: The Face of an Angel
A waitress observes a Christian in the restaurant as having the "face of an angel". Of course, it was Someone else she saw...
Seed Thoughts 19
We are excited to share something with you! Be sure to watch this video and then visit us at our new site,
Fireside Friday: Over the Emperor’s Head?
In those times when your life resembles a ride through a pinball machine, here's a truth that will remind you Who is really in control.
Episode 25: Furniture — The Holy Oil
Mini-Message Monday: Adjusting Your Mirror
Is it possible that sanctification isn't as complicated as we make it out to be? We just need to adjust our mirror.