Mini-Message Monday: The Whisper Test
Mini-Message Monday: The Whisper Test (3 mins) — A most unusual test but one that changed a student's life. And God speaks the same message to every heart in His "still small voice."
Seed Thoughts 39
He Hears Your Tears (repost)
The Lord is the expert at non-verbal communication. On occasion, Jesus said something like: "I couldn't help overhearing what you were thinking" (see Luke 5:22). But He hears a lot more than that!
Episode 43: The Feasts of Firstfruits
Mini-Message Monday: Overboard!
A cabin boy tossed overboard and rescued stated something wonderfully true about the Captain of our lives.
Seed Thoughts 38
Fireside Friday: Treasures From The Darkness
It's good to not keep an inventory of wrongs against us--or of kindnesses done by us either. But God covers the first by Jesus' blood and the second by His wonderful grace.
Episode 42: The Feasts of the Lord — The Feast of Unleavened Bread
Mini-Message Monday: To The “We Aren’t Much” Crowd
When it comes to getting the gospel out, it's easy to feel like the Lord can't use us. After all, we aren't much. But little is much when God is in it!