My maternal grandfather was my hero. But when I was a little fellow he ended up at death’s door due to a serious case of medical malpractice. But even there, in the Valley of the Shadow, he had the certain knowledge of that Special Presence walking at his side. This...
How Are You Doing With God? Episode 4
Monday Meditation: The Door Is Open…Always
Have lots of problems? Here's your one Solution.
Seed Thoughts 47
Fireside Friday: How Many Stars?
Worldlings will do almost anything to be a star. But people calling themselves stars is a massive exaggeration. But Jesus can make us stars. Daniel says so.
How Are You Doing With God? Episode 3
Monday Meditation: Nothing But God
Do you find yourself at a point in life when you have nothing but God? Then you’re right where He wants you.
Seed Thoughts 46
Fireside Friday: On His Majesty’s Service
Here's a great illustration of Laura Soole's poem: "Disappointment--His appointment, Change one letter, then I see That the thwarting of my purpose Is God's better choice for me."