
Mini-Message Monday: Hope For The Wanderer

Mini-Message Monday: Hope For The Wanderer

The old gospel hymn says, "Only a step to Jesus, Then why not take it now?" If it's good for the lost, it's doubly good for the child of God. There isn't one good reason to stay away from Him. When I remember how much I cost Him, I know He doesn't want me to waste one...

Fireside Friday: Heavenly Harvest (repost)

Fireside Friday: Heavenly Harvest (repost)

This is a classic strategy of the Heavenly Farmer. Yes, in John 15:1, Jesus calls His Father the Farmer (georgos, literally, “earth-worker"). A shoeshine boy plants one seed in the upturned soil of a troubled heart. The harvest is breathtaking. The moral is obvious:...

A Message of Hope

A Message of Hope

Note: The audio from this video is the same as last week's Mini Message Monday. However, we felt the need to prepare a different version of the video as a tool that you can share with your friends and family. Please watch and share.

Fireside Friday: The Reason Why

Fireside Friday: The Reason Why

This is the story of a tract. Used mightily through two World Wars and in many thousands of lives. In 1964, the World Literature Crusade sent it to the monarch, president, or head of state in every country in the world.

Fireside Friday: An Easy Misteak To Make

Fireside Friday: An Easy Misteak To Make

Christians are to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but... You know how it goes. Like Ezra, however, we not only must give people the truth but also help them to understand (Neh 8:8).
