MMM: Bitter or Better? (3 mins) — A bitter old man who became a better "new" man through this one, life-transforming moment... [repost]
Fireside Friday: Failing Upward
Failure can be success in work clothes; disappointments are likely His appointments; stumbling stones can make great stepping stones.
Fireside Friday: The Devil’s Gifts
We're quick to assume riches and health and acceptance in society are always "blessings." Don't be so sure.
Mini-Message Monday: Just One Qualification
Want a vibrant, victorious, fruitful Christian life? It's simple (not easy) and has only one prerequisite, as this old missionary reminds us...
Fireside Friday: Go On, Go On, Go On, Go On
Fireside Friday: S.T. Studd wrote, "Heroism is the lost chord, the missing note, in present-day Christianity." Not so with intrepid gospel pioneer J.J. Rouse!
Fireside Friday: Know Your Enemy (repost)
The war is on. The lines are drawn. It’s time to fight the fight. Weapons? Check. But wait! Who’s the enemy? It would probably be good to know that before we start swinging away and lopping off ears.
The Zimmermann Telegram — Breaking the Code
Did you know Christians are called to be code-breakers? Not everything in the Bible is accessible to anyone. The secrets of the Lord are waiting for God's people to discover. The question is: How?
Mini Message Monday: The Repair Shop Theologian
Mini Message Monday: The Repair Shop Theologian (3 mins) — Who does the radio talk show host call when he has a theological question? The young believer working at the repair shop, naturally. (Repost)
Fireside Friday: Wild Midnight Ride
Sometimes in the busyness of life we forget how close we are at all times to death—just a step! But do you know what is closer than death?
Mini-Message Monday: The Fire Fuelled By Grace
A piece of art hanging in a gallery mysteriously disappears. Actually, the artist knew exactly where it went. Here's a lesson that will encourage the Christian as we prepare for the Judgment Seat of Christ.