WBC Messages



This past Sunday was a truly special day as we gathered to witness and celebrate three baptisms! John shared a powerful message on the meaning of baptism, reminding us that it’s not what saves us, but rather a public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ. John’s...

To Follow Christ

To Follow Christ

Norm preached on the cost of following Christ, drawing from Luke 14:25-33, where Jesus calls His followers to count the cost of discipleship. Commitment to Christ Norm began with an illustration of Alexander the Great's soldiers demonstrating unwavering loyalty, using...

Test of Love

Test of Love

Collins preached on 1 John 4:7-10, emphasizing Christian love as a test of true faith. He opened with a call to reflect on God’s love, describing it as divine, supernatural, and self-giving. Collins explained that biblical love is more than emotion—it is an active,...

Motivation for Discipleship

Motivation for Discipleship

Josh explored the theme of Motivation for Discipleship, drawing from Philippians to emphasize the believer’s call to follow Christ wholeheartedly. He highlighted that true discipleship is not driven by external circumstances but by the joy found in the Lord. This joy...

of Hope, Faith, and Promises

of Hope, Faith, and Promises

Norm discussed the concept of hope and its deep connection to faith. He emphasized that hope is rooted in the conviction of things not seen, while faith is the assurance of what is hoped for. Using biblical examples such as Abraham and the promise of the Messiah, Norm...

Falling in love with Christianity

Falling in love with Christianity

God’s Love and Supernatural Transformation Collins spoke on the theme of Falling in Love with Christianity, emphasizing the supernatural nature of God’s love. He reminded the congregation that Christians belong to a heavenly family, with a Father who is not of this...

Lessons from Enoch

Lessons from Enoch

Tim explored the concept of walking with God, emphasizing that it means living a life dedicated to pleasing Him. Drawing from the life of Enoch, Tim highlighted how Enoch’s testimony demonstrated his devotion to God. He suggested Enoch’s life could be viewed in four...

Lessons from the church of Antioch

Lessons from the church of Antioch

Christianity’s Spread in Antioch Max explored the spread of Christianity as described in the Book of Acts, focusing on the early church in Antioch. He explained how persecution in Jerusalem scattered Christians to regions like Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. In this...

A walk through Philippians

A walk through Philippians

Josh discussed the concept of living as Christ, emphasizing the importance of consistency, cooperation, and confidence in one's faith. He used the example of Philippi, a Roman colony in Greece, to illustrate how citizens should act in accordance with their...
