Old Man / New Man

Max delves into theological themes centered around the concepts of the old man and the new man, drawing insights from various biblical passages including those found in Colossians, Romans, and Ephesians. Throughout his sermon, he underscored the significance of these concepts in shaping the Christian journey.

In his discourse, Max elucidated that the old man symbolizes the sinful nature inherited from Adam, contrasted with the new man which embodies godly virtues such as love, forgiveness, and humility. He emphasized the transformative nature of embracing the new man, highlighting its relevance across different dimensions of salvation—past, present, and future.

Expounding further, Max elaborated on the spiritual rebirth and the concept of becoming a new creation in Christ, illustrating how believers are liberated from the bondage of sin. Despite this freedom, he acknowledged the ongoing struggle between the old and new selves, emphasizing the necessity of renewing the mind as articulated in passages like Romans, Ephesians, and Second Corinthians.

Max emphasized that believers, though freed from the dominion of sin, still contend with its presence in the world. However, he affirmed the power bestowed upon believers to choose righteousness over sin, underscoring the role of divine truth in navigating this spiritual conflict.

Lastly, Max expounded on the renewal of the new man, emphasizing its alignment with the image of the Creator and the vitality believers find in Christ through God’s mercy and love. He concluded by stressing the imperative for born-again Christians to nurture their spirits with divine truth to live victoriously amidst the ongoing struggle between their old and new selves.
