Seed Thoughts 15
Fireside Friday: Tears Can Melt Stone
Often the hard road makes hearts hard. Is there anything that can soften them? Maybe we need to add to the request, "Lord, teach us to pray" a second one: "Lord, teach us to weep."
Mini-Message Monday: The Chocolate Bar Deception
We may smile at a child who is tricked this easily. But how often do we adults fall prey to this same deception on a bigger scale?
Seed Thoughts 14
Fireside Friday: What’s That In Your Hand?
Do you know the children's chorus? "Shamgar had an ox-goad, David had a sling, Dorcas had a needle, Rahab had some string, Samson had a jawbone, Moses had a rod, Mary had some ointment but they are were used of God." What's in your hand? You can have a line in the...
Episode 21: Furniture — The Golden Altar
Mini Message Monday: 60 Years Later…
Mini Message Monday: 60 Years Later... (3 mins) — Prayers have no expiry date, as this story proves.
Seed Thoughts 13
Fireside Friday: Near to Hear
God is eager to do what helps us and honors Him.